Sherlock Holmes is a fictitious English detective character created by eminent British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes is a private detective and possesses a brilliant observation power, which he utilizes during his investigation. He is assisted by his friend Dr. Watson in his most of the investigations with the latter being the narrator of those criminal cases. Both of them reside together along with their landlady Mrs. Hudson at 221B Baker Street in London.
Apart from observation power, Holmes is a master of disguise and uses his logical reasoning mindset as well as knowledge of forensic science to solve cases. Because of these skills government detective agency like Scotland Yard comes to Holmes for help to find perpetrators.
Holmes first appeared in the novel ‘A Study in Scarlet’, which was published in 1887. The other famous novels on him are ‘The Sign of the Four’, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ and ‘The Valley of Fear’. Besides, there are some short story collections such as ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’, ‘The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes’, ‘The Return of Sherlock Holmes’ etc.
Most of the short story collections were published in ‘The Strand’ magazine. Sherlock Holmes has gained immense popularity in all over the world because of his sharp intelligence and unique approach of investigation. It made him the greatest fictional detective of all time and an inspiration for many other detective characters.
1. Sherlock Holmes Samagra 1 (শার্লক হোমস সমগ্র ১)
2. Sherlock Holmes Samagra 2 (শার্লক হোমস সমগ্র ২)